Re: Capturing global key press events

Vikram Noel Ambrose wrote:
Lex Trotman wrote:

On 2 March 2010 15:29, Vikram Noel Ambrose <noel ambrose gmail com <mailto:noel ambrose gmail com>> wrote:

    I'd like to capture global key press events to enable a "Global
    Shortcuts" feature in my application.

    I've looked at a few other projects that have such capabilities
    and they all seem to hook straight into xlib. Is there a more GTK
    way of doing it?

    At the moment I'm using,
    XKeysymToKeycode($DISPLAY,XStringToKeysym("some key in here"));

    And then passing the resulting key code to XGrabKey,

    Then I call XSync($DISPLAY,0); I dont know why, but if I dont, gtk
    I then wait for events with XNextEvent($DISPLAY,&event); inside a
    pthread and when an event comes by, i call a signal callback
    surrounded with gdk_threads_enter and _leave.

    Now all this worked nicely for a while, but somehow I've managed
    to break it :(

Figured it out!
I don't know what caused it, but for some reason the Super key on my keyboard suddenly no longer responds to the Mod4Mask modifier. After dumping the key states with AnyModifier I found it to actually be 0x50 which is apparently Mod4Mask|Mod2Mask.

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