Re: How to remenber the scroll bar position?

Le 21/07/2010 23:12, Nicolas Joseph a écrit :
> Hello,
> I refresh a treeview and I would like restore the old position of the
> scoll bar.
> Before clearing the treesore, I save the original postion:
> var vscrool_bar = this.scrolled_window.get_vscrollbar () as
>                     Gtk.VScrollbar;
> double position = vscrool_bar.get_value ();
> And after repopulate, I restore this value:
> vscrool_bar.set_value (position);
> But the scroll bar don't move and the signal value-changed is not emit.
> Have you an idea?
> Thank's in advance.

I searched in the pino code source (when the timeline is update, the
scroll bar return at its old position) and the code is similar:

But the scrollbar position is restored via callback. Is it necessary to
wait some time between the restoration of the contents of the liststore
and the position of the scroolbar?

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