Re: GdkEventKey --> utf-8 ?

>  + The key on the left of ç. (in red - has a blu { ) So:
>  + I press and hold Shift, then press that key, unpress and type o.

OK. So he is not pressing any 'ö' key at all. He is pressing two
separate keys, presumably a so-called "dead" accent key for the
diaeresis (¨) and then 'o'. It is the upper levels of GTK+ that take
care of combining those two key presses into an 'ö' in the case of a
GtkEntry widget.

The key press event handler is called for each key press, quite correctly.

There is no problem in gdk_keyval_to_unicode() . It does exactly what
it is supposed to. No key press event with a keysym for 'ö' is
received if no 'ö' key is pressed.


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