Re: What, in detail, the GDK do?

>gdk wraps the business of creating a window and getting events

only a window or all the widgets?

2009/12/28  <jcupitt gmail com>:
> 2009/12/28 frederico schardong <frede sch gmail com>:
>> So how low level GDK goes? It renders the widgets according the OS?
>> Where GTK+ ends and GDK starts? Where GDK ends and GLib starts?
> You can read about it here:
> gdk wraps the business of creating a window and getting events, cairo
> does low-level drawing, glib does data structures, utility functions
> and event loops, gobject is the object model, pango renders text,
> gdkpixbuf loads and transforms images, gtk issues all the drawing
> commands to display widgets, your application does everything else.
> John

Frederico Schardong,
SOLIS - Open source solutions
Linux registered user #500582

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