Re: Custom container + Child type with interface

Yes, it does. But as far as I can tell, implementers of the interface
cannot override the GParamFlags of an interface property with some
superset. Effectively, implementers can only override the property's
getter/setter. Please let me know if I've got that wrong.

This is why it seems I could only go with the lowest common denominator
of GParamFlag settings in the interface definition. Which I agree makes
a total mess of the 'is-a' paradigm - which is something I'm trying to


On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 20:35 +0100, David Nečas wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 07:30:42PM +0000, Matthew Bucknall wrote:
> > Seems to me, it should be perfectly acceptable to define a property that
> > can be set at construction, but then only read during the rest of the
> > owning object's lifetime (i.e. something like G_PARAM_READABLE |
> > PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY), but GObject does not allow this - at least, it
> > didn't work when I tried.
> That's exactly what G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY does if I
> am not mistaken.  The terminology is a bit confusing.
> Yeti

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