Documenting a struct with gtk-doc

Hi all,

So, I want to document the contents of a standard C struct in gtk-doc. The problem is that I don't typedef it, so rather than:

typedef struct {
   int a;
} my_struct;

the code is actually:

struct my_struct {
   int a;

Now, if I use the typedef-version of the struct, I can successfully get the gtk-doc comment like, like
 * my_struct:
 * @a: whatever
 * Pretty struct

But... what if I use the one without typedef, directly with the "struct" keyword?  If tried the above gtk-doc comment, and also one with "struct my_struct:" in first line of comment, but cannot get it properly compiling in gtk-doc html documentation...

Also, I know I can just:
typedef struct my_struct {
   int a;
} my_struct_name2;

And document my_struct_name2... but anyway, is the non-typedef option possible?


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