Re: Creating a Window on Current Users Desktop

В Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:11:53 +0000
Brian <brian bdandemw net> пишет:

> I have an inetd program (in C) which receives a udp and creates a 
> process to write a message to the desktop of who-ever the current
> user is. The inetd code is fine but the gtk process  fails at
> gtk_window_new call for a top level window.The inetd runs as root.
> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any help.

launch your program as - /usr/bin/env DISPLAY=":0.0" /path/to/your/inetd/program
and user must allow root connects to xserver - xhost +root


Victor Ananjevsky
JID: ananas jabber kiev ua

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