Progressbar does not get totally filled

I am using a progressbar to show my users how fast the program is working. My code looks like this:

(self.seq is the number the user chooses (how many word should be shown). I set self.x to 0 first time I run it.)

self.step = 1./self.seq

for i in range(start,end):
self.processedfiles += 1
self.x += self.step
while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration()

It works as far as the bar gets filled when I run the program, but it does not fill up the whole bar (maybe half a step away), and I get this warning:

:GtkWarning: gtk_progress_set_percentage: assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed

What is wrong? What can I do to get it totally filled?

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