Re: g_main_loop

On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 19:15 +0800, HASWANI HARISH-VCKR47 wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a beginner to gtk APIs. 
> My query is : 
> - In Thread T1 I am calling g_main_loop()
> - In Thread T2 I am emitting a signal through
> g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT, signal-name);
> I saw that signal handler is running in Thread2 context. I want that
> it should run in Thread 1 context. How I can achieve this?

best to think of some other model. gobject signals do not (trivially)
cross thread boundaries. the most widely adopted approach is to use
g_idle_add() to (thread-safely) add an idle callback that emits the
signal from the correct (g_main_loop()) thread:

gboolean foobar (gpointer foo) { 
      g_signal_emit_by_name (foo, signal-name); 
      return FALSE;

in thread T2:

   g_idle_add (foobar, G_OBJECT);

something like that, anyway.

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