How to create these widgets?

I want to create the following widget layout:
A parent window contains 3 child windows
|                                          |
| +-----------------+ +-----------------+  |
| |                 | |                 |  |
| | GtkDrawingArea  | | GtkDrawingArea  |  |
| |       1         | |       2         |  |
| |   with border   | |   with border   |  |
| +-----------------+ +-----------------+  |
|                                          |
| +-----------------+                      |
| |                 |                      |
| | GtkDrawingArea  |    Parent Window     |
| |       3         |     with border      |
| |   with border   |                      |
| +-----------------+                      |
|                                          |

How to do this?
Can anybody show some example code in C ?
Thanks !!


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