Re: Multi dim array

I think what he is asking for is something that doesn't exist like:

/*  where facets defines the number of dimensions of the array	*/
g_ptr_array_new(guint facets)

/* dynamic va_list expandable to axis, row, column, etc. (as limited by facets)) */
g_ptr_array_add(gpointer data,...)

btw, not volunteering to implement this :)  or even think that it should.

fred238 free fr wrote:
fred238 free fr a écrit :
Paul Davis a écrit :
On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 20:26 +0200, fred238 free fr wrote:

Is possible to make static or dynamic multi dim array with glib ?
this is a basic C programming question. why are you asking about glib?

Question is about to make multi dim array with glib not with libc, maybe with GArray, GPtrArray, GByteArray or something else, ...

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