On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 22:17 -0500, Stewart Weiss wrote:
> Richard:
> Thanks for this suggestion.  Last night after sending the message, I
> did, in fact, resort to
> doing pretty much what you suggested below, by getting the mouse-down,
> then tracking it 
> with button-motion-notify, and then getting the mouse-up event. But I
> am not using a temporary
> pixmap, and I have to erase each previously drawn line.
> What I want to achieve is a typical Line Tool, like the one in Windows
> Paint, one that will
> continuously redraw the line as I drag the mouse.   In order to solve
> this, in my motion-notify-event
> handler I erase the previous line by drawing it on the window (not the
> pixmap) using the background 
> color of my pixmap, then draw a new one in the window (not in the
> pixmap). When I get the mouse up event,
> I draw the last line into the pixmap and render it to the screen. But
> I still have some problems.
> When I erase the previous line, I also erase pixels that might have
> been drawn as part of something
> else in the window, so my solution is that when I get the button-up
> event I invalidate the entire
> window to redraw it. But until I release the mouse button, the erase
> pixels remain erased. I was thinking
> of invalidating the rectangle containing the line each time to se if
> that would work, but I have not tried it
> yet (busy day). But any other ideas would be appreciated.

google for "draw xor gtk" and read on ...

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