Re: GLib 2.12.12 released

--- Andrew Sobala <aes gnome org> wrote:

> Sergei Steshenko wrote:
> >This is a broken release - 'make' fails with these messages:
> >
> >"
> >gconvert.c:48:2: error: #error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv
> >
> Try --with-libiconv=gnu in configure.
> And please keep an eye on how many lists you crosspost to!
> -- 
> Andrew

I can try, but I'm definitely missing the point, which is:

* 'make' CAN detect that it's GNU libiconv;
* 'configure' can NOT detect that it's GNU libiconv

So, what is the point in having such a configure script  - 'configure' is supposed
to detect such things.


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