From: gtk-list-bounces gnome org
[mailto:gtk-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf
Of G.Slomp - Dynamicc Welding b.v.
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 4:02
To: gtkmm-list gnome org;
gtk-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Missing stock icons
on win32
Hello Surya,
I was facing the same problem when I ported my application to win32, so I read
messages in the mailinglist like Jonathon said.
The following solution works and was posted by Alexander:
|| for showing images on buttons in MS-Windows theme you must:
|| 1. open file ..\GTK\\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
|| 2. change gtk-button-images = 0 to gtk-button-images = 1
I wasn't to happy about that, since you don't want to manually patch the
gtkrc file to see some icons. There must be a better way! Even changing it
in your application is slightly better. The following code works for me,
but i'm not to happy about it.
//for switching on the stock id's in buttons for gtk+ under
GtkSettings *sSettings = gtk_settings_get_default();
"gtk-button-images", "1",
Is there any way to change the
gtk-button-images setting without changing the gtkrc file without
using absolute paths? a gtk standard function or something, because I haven't
found it.
Thank in advance,
Gerrie Slomp
Surya Kiran Gullapalli wrote:
I'm a newbie to gtk/gtkmm. I was trying to get a small
application, written in gtk/gtkmm on windows, up and running.
I was able to get the application running. But
the stock icons on the application are missing. Am i missing something
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org