Re: GTK+ 2.10.7 released

--- David Neèas (Yeti) <yeti physics muni cz> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 05:44:44AM -0800, Sergei Steshenko wrote:
> > 
> > Please reread the proposed clarification:
> > 
> > * for gtk+2.8.20 there are no known to developers occurences of memory leaks;
> > * gtk+2.10.* is effectively a developmnet release, so expect memory leaks and stay
> > away from it for production code.
> That would not be a clarification, that would be serious
> confusion at best.
>  387170	Fairly large leak in gtk+
>  360350	leak in gtk_radio_button_focus
>  362439	gtkicontheme::pixbuf_supports_svg leaks GList
>  370395	leak in gtk_rc_parse_icon_source
> Fixed in current 2.10, not in 2.8.20.

So, should everyone distrust the claim that there are no memory leaks in 2.8.20 ?

That is, it is fixed in current 2.10 because nobody wants to fix it in 2.8.20 or
because there is no such leak in  2.8.20 ?

If there are no leaks in 2.8.20, then my suggestion is correct - it's too early to declare
2.10.* to be leak-free.

If the leak is also present in 2.8.20, then the leak-free statement is at all wrong.

However much I am a coder I want common sense to be present - if you guys claim there
are no leaks, there should be no leaks for at least a year.

Where is the confusion in the proposed clarifications ?

1) does 2.8.20 have memory leaks ?
2) does 2.10.* have no reported memory leaks for a year or so ?


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