RE: Can I Disable or Alter GtkEntry and GtkTextView Clipboard Menus?

> I don't know what went wrong, but connecting to the "popup-menu" 
> signal definitly works, as the attached program demonstrates.
> Ciao,
> Mathias

Thanks for replying Mathias.  When I run your code, the clipboard menu
still opens.  Does the menu open for you with this code?  If not, does
the menu open for you if you remove the "popup-menu" signal connect?  If
we are seeing different behavior for this code, maybe its a
configuration/environment difference.

I altered your code a little and attached it to further demonstrate my
problem. I do not get any errors when connecting to "popup-menu", but my
callback never gets executed.  Also, my callback for "populate-popup"
executes, but can't seem to alter the menu. 


Attachment: block-popup-menu2.c
Description: block-popup-menu2.c

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