Re: Is GTK+-(GDK) implemented by Multi-thread method?

Thanks a lot!

2007/12/8, Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com>:
On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 02:09 +0800, 刘志波 wrote:
> Hi forks,
>    I want to know whether the GTK+- Library is implemented by
> Multi-thread method for itself. You know, it has been driven by event
> mechanism. How does GTK's main loop catch user events like key events,
> mouse motion,etc when other flows alway hold the CPU resource? I know,
> maybe the GTK lib can use the signal to receive all of the hardware
> events. I just want to know the GTK wheter uses the Multi-thread
> mechanism to program itself!


With Best Regards!
E-mail: boerliu gmail com
MSN: boer001217 hotmail com

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