Re: Handling the Return key

On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 17:27 -0400, William Ramsay wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone explain to me how to go about handling the pressing of the 
> return key
> in a data entry dialog?    For instance, when the user is done entering 
> data, pressing
> the Enter button on the keyboard should fire the OK button on the dialog.
> I can capture the "click" event easily enough.   And I can  capture the  
> "key_press_event"
> and check to make sure it's a Return key, but how do I connect the two 
> events to
> the same GTK_RESPONSE_OK result?    The "click" event is established when
> I set up the button (i.e. with gtk_dialog_add_button).    But the key 
> press is
> established with g_signal_connect, which sends control to a handler.  If 
> you're in
> a loop checking the user input, you can't easily go off to a separate 
> handler.
> There must be a simple way of doing this, but I have yet to figure it out.

See Gtk::Window::set_default(), together with
Gtk::Entry::set_activates_default() and/or
Gtk::Window::activate_default().  You may also want to consider
Gtk::Window::set_focus() and Gtk::Widget::grab_focus().


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