(Mis)feature in gdk_keyval_from_name()?

In gtk 2.9.2 (probably other versions too) I just discovered that when given a string that starts with "U" and followed by hex digits (0-9a-f), gdk_keyval_from_name() returns a Unicode key value.

Before I actually make an effort to look for myself, is this behavior documented? Anyone knowingly depending on this behavior?

This is a minor problem and coding around it is trivial, but it is a bit of an annoyance. Should I report this as a bug, make a request to change it, or make a request to remove it?
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab              We find comfort among those who
New Mexico State University         agree with us, growth among those
Box 30001, MSC 3CRL                 who don't.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                 -- Frank A. Clark

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