Re: print a gtk window

Salut Silvia,

GtkPlot has an option to output to postscript. See the GtkPlot documentation.


On 9/21/06, Sylvia Lopez <sylvia lopez obs u-bordeaux1 fr> wrote:

I'm programming a gtk application who generate a window with labels  and
plots (gtkplot.h).
My question is : what the way for printing a gtk window ? i wan't add a
button "print this page" that print this window of results.
is there a particular library ? ...

Thanks for all.

//en francais


Je cherche à imprimer une fenetre gtk contenant des graphes et des labels.
J'ai "fouillé" un peu sur internet sans trouver quoi que ce soit. Si
quelqu'un sait comment imprimer les fenetres gtk ...

Merci d'avance

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