Re: Xft XCompile Warning as "linker path does not have real file for library -lX11"

See my reply inline.

--- harshavardhanreddy mandeepala <hvreddy1110 gmail com> wrote:

>   Hi ,
> Thanks for ur reply.
> >
> >
> > If Xft depends on XRender (has to be linked with it), of course, you to
> > crosscompile it too.
>    But Xft ,Xrender,X11 all are there as part of XFree86-4.6 then why i
> should Xcompile   seperately.?

I think it goes this way.

You have a development machine, which is most likely an X86 Linux one,
right ?

On that machine you have some kind of desktop, which is based on XFree86,
right ?

The above XFree86 is still the one for the same X86 architecture your whole
development machine is, right ?

Now, you want to cross-compile something, i.e. you want to compile
something for a different than X86 architecture (ARM ?) right ?

If so, ALL the files involved in the cross-compilation and cross-linking
process should exist for that different than X86 architecture (ARM ?)
architecture. Otherwise they won't link because of archirecture difference
and even if they did they wouldn't work - neither X86 know how to execute
ARM code, nor ARM knows how to execute X86 code.

> Does pango and Gtk needs seperate Xft,Xrender,X11?
> In my X11R6 directory (which is created after Xcompiling Xfree864.6)
> It has lib,include,bin. directories.
> In lib it has libraries for X11,Xrender,Xft .....
> In  X11R6/lib i have one pkgconfig directory which contains
> fontconfig.pc,
> xcursor.pc,
> xft.pc
> Thats all.
> Now i think u got the clear picture of X11R6 directory structure.
> So if i have all these libraries as part of Xfree86-4.6 then why seperate
> compilation again?
> Or at the time of cross compiling Xfree86-4.6 any thing is missing ?
> If u have any idea how to solve this problem kindly reply to me.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Harsha


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