Re: Xft XCompile Warning as "linker path does not have real file for library -lX11"

Try to set LDFLAGS environment variable in a manner similar to this example:

-L/maxtor5/sergei/AppsFromScratchWD/install/zlib-1.2.3/lib'; export LDFLAGS

I.e. stick into it paths to the libraries not found by linker.


Hi Thanks for ur reply,
I tryed the way you have mentioned but no success.
Infact all the libraries are there in the specified path
-L/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.4-nptl-2/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/local/X11R6/lib -lXrender -lX11 -lXext

all are there.
The Xrender and X11 Xext  are there in the part of XFree86-4.6 Xserver i Cross compiled.
But i don't know why the Xft is failing to link with it.
Shall i need to Cross compile  XRender separately ?


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