Re: help with window widgets

Le samedi 11 novembre 2006 �0:12 -0800, ybisou a �it :
> Hi,
> I'm just starting with GTK+ programming...(linux)
> I hope someone could help me with this.
> I'm writing a code that should allow me to read a list of int(one at the
> time) from a STDIN into my GTK program. The reading is fine but I am trying
> to output those numbers into a window. I can ouput the first number but I
> can't refresh and ouput the second number or the rest of the numbers.
> I'm doing something like this, and the windows only shows the first number.
> Please help...
> //widgets initializations
> while( read(0,&x,strln(x))
> {
>   //widgets setups;
>   //output x using a widget
> gtk_widget_show_all(window);
> gtk_main();
> }
> return 0;
> } 

Why do you put gtk_widget_show_all and gtk_main calls in the loop? You
should move at least the gtk_main call outside of the loop.

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