Re: unworkable selection model for treeview

On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 20:42 +0000, Chris Vine wrote:
> On Saturday 28 January 2006 15:49, Paul Davis wrote:
> > AFAICT, the treeview widget will change its selection at button press,
> > with no delay to allow for a drag operation.
> >
> > i cannot see how to combine this model with the desire to select
> > multiple items (in one or several steps), then click on one of the
> > selected items to drag the entire set of selected items. at present,
> > this operation will collapse the selection down to the clicked-upon item
> > before the drag begins.
> >
> > there is GTK software which works around this, but they appear to do it
> > by completely dropping the selection model of the treeview.
> If you drag after you have made the last selection (without clicking again) 
> then it will work. 

right. this is pretty unintuitive to everyone i've checked with.

>  If you click again, that will be treated as another 
> selection operation.  It differs from the KDE/Qt (and I think Windows) 
> equivalent which allows a further click after a multiple selection before it 
> treats the click as a reselection operation - I think this is different 
> rather than unworkable.

it differs from evolution too: try out its message list (which is likely
a treeview widget). evo has the following model: selection happens on
button press; deselect of a selected item happens on button release *if*
there was no drag.

from a few empirical tests, its hard to see the utility of the current
treeview model *if* you want DnD from the treeview to be useful with
multiple items.

> You could probably do what you want by intercepting the button-press-event and 
> button-release-event signals.

i've tried. i guess i will keep trying.


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