catching messages

This is probably a dumb question (but here goes anyway). I have been playing with gtk+ for awhile now, but recently I wanted to try something more graphical.  Basicly I want to be able to read in some data and display it graphically.  I wanted to add handlers that would allow me to drag the view port around (using the mouse).

So basicly I used Glade to create the UI.  So I have a gnome window (with menu bar and button tool bar and all).  ANd there are lots of containers (VBox's and HBox's) and doen this chain is a GtkDrawingArea.  I used Glade to add handlers for various events (like motion_notift_event, and enter_notify_event etc.).  None of these handlers ever seem to get called however.  What is causing this?  Do I have to do something more?  Are the containers preventing the event from trickling down to the GtkDrawingArea?

Travis Miller

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