Why linker could not find gtk API functions


Could anyone help me to see why the linker could not
find "gdk_window_new" ...etc gtk API functions?

I tried to compile this on a redhat linux 9 box with
gtk+-2.8.4 installed.

Please cc this email address if you reply. I have not
join the email-list yet.

Best regards,


gcc main.o prefs.o calls.o directory.o dial.o frame.o
devices.o xrc_res.o accounts.o ringer.o
./lib/libclient.a /usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so
-lpthread -lm `wx-config --static --libs` `pkg-config
--libs gtk+-2.0` -o iaxcomm

frame.o(.text+0x1272): In function
undefined reference to `gdk_window_new(_GdkDrawable*,
_GdkWindowAttr*, int)'
frame.o(.text+0x2614): In function
/root/test/frame.cc:211: undefined reference to
`gdk_window_new(_GdkDrawable*, _GdkWindowAttr*, int)'
frame.o(.text+0x3fea): In function
/root/test/frame.cc:501: undefined reference to
`gdk_window_get_pointer(_GdkDrawable*, int*, int*,
/usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2_core-2.6.so.0: undefined
reference to `XineramaIsActive'
/usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2_core-2.6.so.0: undefined
reference to `XineramaQueryScreens'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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