Re: GTK Forum

On 9/20/05, Micah Carrick <email micahcarrick com> wrote:
> I realize many of you may find the mailing list to be sufficient,
> however, I've thrown up a forum at
> anyway.  I've been contemplating it for a few months and, other than
> this list, I have not found any discussion resources exclusive to GTK+
> programming (or the ones I did were dead links).
> I've been learing GTK for several months and have found it more
> difficult thatn some of the other languages I've learned, not because
> the information isn't out there, but that there's not a lot of "holding
> your hand" going on.  So hopefully I can get this going so that it's a
> good place for those of us who struggle and could use a little "hand
> holding" when reading through source code and API documentation.
> Perhaps nobody cares.  Who knows.  I'll give it a shot. :)
> Take care,
> Micah

Awesome dude!

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