Re: Cross-compiling glib for arm

Clive Chapman ha scritto lo scorso 18/05/2005 13:51:
Hi again !

Carlo I just re-ran ./configue using the --cache-file option and ended up adding each of the 3 option you included one after another.
I then did not have any more problems - .configure finished without error.

If I check the config.log file for a section with 'glib-genmarshal' in it I find;
configure:37677: checking for glib-genmarshal
configure:37695: found /opt/gnome/bin/glib-genmarshal
configure:37708: result: /opt/gnome/bin/glib-genmarshal

So it'a already on my host machine in  /opt/gnome/bin/glib-genmarshal

more information here.....

I hope that helps.... at least a little bit


Ok, Clive

thank you; but probably my "flat" toolchain is not completely well configured (even if it was able to build the kernel and Xfbdev). But, anyway, I managed to force scratchbox to use a host installation of glib (*), and now I have a pretty nice hello-world app running on my target.
Now let's play with gtk ;-)

(*) for who is interested in this, here is a short description of my dirty-trick on scratchbox (maybe there is a clearer way?):
1. switch scratchbox to HOST
2. ./configure, then make and make install of glib
3. switch scratchbox to ARM-LINUX target
4. export PATH=/targets/HOST/usr/local/bin:$PATH (this is for the host
5. make a symlink to /targets/HOST/usr/local/lib in current /usr/local
   directory (this is for host glib libraries used by glib-genmarshal)
6. ./configure --host=arm-linux --cache-file=arm_cache.conf
7. make
8. unlink /usr/local/lib
9. turn back $PATH to the original value
10. make install

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