gtkrc key binding problem


I'd like to add a binding in my gtkrc file to close the application when a user press <control>Q.

Here is the extract:
binding "quit" {
  bind "<control>Q" {
    "delete-event" ()
widget "main_window" binding "quit"

and in the source I have:
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(MainWindow), "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);

Whatever I do I get this message:
binding "quit::<Control>q": signature mismatch for signal "delete-event" in the `GtkWindow' class ancestry

I just know that there is a parameter to be passed, but I can't figure out which one: I've tried with a string, a number, an enumeration... Nothing! I've searched google and the list, but the information I found weren't very helpful.

So my question is fairly simple:
Has anyone managed to do it? And most of all, how to do it?

thanks for your help.

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