Re: Font problems...

<Luxi fonts are distributed with X11, so they should be present on your 
<system (probably in /usr/share/fonts/TTF/). Type:
There is no /usr/share/fonts directory.

<fc-list|grep Luxi
This returns:
~># fc-list|grep Luxi
Luxi Serif:style=Regular
Luxi Serif:style=Bold
Luxi Mono:style=Bold
Luxi Sans:style=Bold
Luxi Sans:style=Regular
Luxi Mono:style=Regular
Luxi Serif:style=Oblique
Luxi Serif:style=Bold Oblique
Luxi Mono:style=Oblique
Luxi Sans:style=Oblique
Luxi Sans:style=Bold Oblique
Luxi Mono:style=Bold Oblique

<If no font is listed, try fc-cache. If it does not solve the problem,
<you should have a look at the configuration files in /etc/fonts.
Seems nothing strange with the configuration files, but then I'm not 
really sure what to look for...

Any more ideas?


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