SIGSEGV at "gtk_init" in a Multithreaded Code

I'm trying to execute the code example (about GTK and threads) at
But whenever I execute it , it gives segmentation fault inside "gtk_init(&argc,&argv)"  function. I have to mention that when I comment  "g_thread_init" line, it works properly. What will be the problem? Is it my makefile:

all :
gcc -g -o gtkThread gtk-thread.c -lpthread `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 gthread --cflags --libs`

Thanks in advance,


 * Filename:      gtk-thread.c
 * Version:       0.99.1
 * Copyright:     Copyright (C) 1999, Erik Mouw
 * Author:        Erik Mouw <>
 * Description:   GTK threads example. 
 * Created at:    Sun Oct 17 21:27:09 1999
 * Modified by:   Erik Mouw <>
 * Modified at:   Sun Oct 24 17:21:41 1999
 * Compile with:
 * cc -o gtk-thread gtk-thread.c `gtk-config --cflags --libs gthread`
 * Thanks to Sebastian Wilhelmi and Owen Taylor for pointing out some
 * bugs.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

#define YES_IT_IS    (1)
#define NO_IT_IS_NOT (0)

typedef struct 
  GtkWidget *label;
  int what;
} yes_or_no_args;

static volatile int yes_or_no = YES_IT_IS;

void destroy (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
  gtk_main_quit ();

void *argument_thread (void *args)
  yes_or_no_args *data = (yes_or_no_args *)args;
  gboolean say_something;

  for (;;)
      /* sleep a while */
      sleep(rand() / (RAND_MAX / 3) + 1);

      /* lock the yes_or_no_variable */

      /* do we have to say something? */
      say_something = (yes_or_no != data->what);

	  /* set the variable */
	  yes_or_no = data->what;

      /* Unlock the yes_or_no variable */
      G_UNLOCK (yes_or_no);

      if (say_something)
	  /* get GTK thread lock */
	  gdk_threads_enter ();

	  /* set label text */
	  if(data->what == YES_IT_IS)
	    gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (data->label), "O yes, it is!");
	    gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (data->label), "O no, it isn't!");

	  /* release GTK thread lock */
	  gdk_threads_leave ();

  return NULL;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GtkWidget *window;
  GtkWidget *label;
  yes_or_no_args yes_args, no_args;
  pthread_t no_tid, yes_tid;

  /* init threads */
  g_thread_init (NULL);
  gdk_threads_init ();
  gdk_threads_enter ();

  /* init gtk */
  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

  /* init random number generator */
  srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL));

  /* create a window */
  window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
		      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (destroy), NULL);

  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (window), 10);

  /* create a label */
  label = gtk_label_new ("And now for something completely different ...");
  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), label);
  /* show everything */
  gtk_widget_show (label);
  gtk_widget_show (window);

  /* create the threads */
  yes_args.label = label;
  yes_args.what = YES_IT_IS;
  pthread_create (&yes_tid, NULL, argument_thread, &yes_args);

  no_args.label = label;
  no_args.what = NO_IT_IS_NOT;
  pthread_create (&no_tid, NULL, argument_thread, &no_args);

  /* enter the GTK main loop */
  gtk_main ();
  gdk_threads_leave ();

  return 0;


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