Re: use Gtk+ in phone devices

Hi mr YU,

This is a pretty good ideia. In fact, nowadays there are some
celphones  that use customized desktop stuffs running on them, I mean,
custimized WindowManager, and sure embedded Operation Systems. The
main problems (questions) concernig your question is :

** Which OS will you use ?!
** Witch WM will you use !?

And anwsering your former question: YES. We do need to customize the
GTK for your intentions, what means, you do need to hold it by your
hands and make it real :)

If you could anwser my previous questions, it would be a good start point.



> Hi, re
> We launched a project recently and want to develop an open source Linux
> smart phones based on Gtk+. It seems that there are some things need to do
> to tune Gtk+ to suit for phone devices and one of them is how to navigate
> and manipulate Gtk+ widgets using the limited buttons in phone keypad. 
> As you know, usually there exist the following key buttons in phone keypad: 
> Two function keys used to manipulate menu; Up/down/left/right arrow keys; Ok
> key; Call/hangup keys; 
> Among the keys listed above, only arrow keys and Ok key will be used for
> widgets navigation and manipulation and keybinding is not acceptable.
> Therefore, my questions would be: 
> 1. Do you guys think it is necessary to modify the source code of widgets in
> order to tune the widgets' behavior suitable for navigation in phone
> devices? 
> 2. Which way of modification is easier to be accepted upstream by Gtk+, say,
> adding a new configuration option to Gtk+ and adding #ifdef to the source
> code of widgets? 

Antonio Gomes
E-mail: antonio gomes indt org br
Embedded Linux Lab - 10LE
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia (Manaus/Br)
NOKIA's Technology Institute

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