when compiling gtk2.6.[9 or 10] : Cant recognize the image file format error and build failed

Hi All --

   i tried google search on this and found that there are people
encounter the same problem back to 2.2.2 or earlier,

   this error comes up when the make enter /gtk/stock-icons


   failed to load "./stock_about_16.png": couldnt recognize the image
file format for file './stock_about_16.png'

  and seems like that the gdk-pixbuf.loaders the make looking for has
only  4 comment lines there,

  there must have a patch or fixed to download or am i doing anything wrong, 

  in the configure, i do the following

  ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared 

   (because i need the .a files to do static link)
--thanks in the advance,

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