Re: gtk_table_resize()

On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 20:26:55 +0000, David J. Singer
<doc deadvirgins org uk> wrote:
> I have a table I'm using for widget layout. It's basically always
> two columns but I would like the number of rows to be
> changeable programmatically.
> I define by table initially with something like:
>   table = gtk_table_new( 1, 2, TRUE);
> to start with a table having one row and two columns.  If I then
> call something like:
>   gtk_table_resize( table, 5, 2 );
> nothing appears to happen.  I'm not sure why and I can't find
> any examples of gtk_table_resize() in use...

Have you tried adding children to any of the newly created rows ?


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