Re: which IDE do u suggest to use to develop gtk applicacions?

Em Seg, 2004-05-17 às 14:56, Jean Bréfort escreveu:
> > 
> > 
> > I just took a look at Anjuta. I'm not entirely sure what it gives me
> > over just using glade. Also glade-2 works with gtk 2, but it seems as
> > if Anjuta is gtk 1.
> Recent version of Anjuta support gtk-2. Glade can be used to generate
> both the ui and a skeleton code, but if you change the ui, you have to
> redo the code generation and your changes in the sources will be lost.
> IMHO it is easier to use Glade to generate just the glade file and
> anjuta for the sources using libglade to load the glade file.

The libglade is very interesting, where can I find some documentation,
tutorials about libglade ?

I like of emacs as IDE for Gtk+ and general soft development ;-)

Best regards

Flavio Alberto Lopes Soares
flavio maqplas com br
MAQPLAS Indústria e Comércio de Máquinas LTDA

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