Re: (no subject)


For some reason you don't seem to have a valid "libgdk-x11", which should
have been installed with gtk.

objdump -T /usr/lib/libgdk-*.so | grep "gdk_threads_lock"

should show a "Base" entry for "gdk_threads_lock" like:

0006655c g    DO .bss   00000004  Base        gdk_threads_lock

It's also possible, that your libs are compiled without thread support.
Just test with the following program (threads.c):

#include <glib.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
	g_thread_init( NULL );

	g_print( "We have threads!\n" );

	return 0;

# gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gthread-2.0` threads.c -o threads

I you see "We have threads!", and libgdk-* contains a "Base" entry for
"gdk_threads_lock", I'm clueless.



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