Re: "watermarking" a treeview

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 00:48, Chris Kuethe wrote:
> I've got an app where I have a treeview to display a bunch of things.
> Click the things and they expand to show their members. That all works
> wonderfully. What I'd like to be able to do is toss a PNG or JPG or
> whatever behind/over this tree to create a watermark effect. Thus far,
> I have not seen a simple way to do this in the GtkTreeView or GtkTreeModel
> references. Googling and MARC searches turn up a few hits from a couple of
> years ago where other people looking for the same thing; no solutions.
> It's dead trivial to put an image above or below my GtkTreeView, I already
> have a few static images as well as buttons; now the trick is setting the
> GtkTreeView to be translucent or overlaying a transparent-ish image. How?

Thats currently not possible, see bug 71926


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