Re: Howto build Gtk 2.4.2

Le ven 11/06/2004 à 09:19, kentropy libero it a écrit :
> Thank you for answering,
> I 've built glib 2.4.2 in my /home/test/gtk/glib
> How could I link against this instead of the linuxbox's glib-2.2 ?
Did you installed it anywhere? If not, it will be very difficult to use because pkg-config will not work otherwise.
And next, you should install all libraries with the same prefix. Next,
you'll have to replace /usr/local in the sample below with your prefix.

> > Apparently, you have a glib-2.2 in /usr. It is very difficult if not
> > impossible to make two glib-2 libraries coexist.
> > You can try the following (I suppose you install the new libraries in
> > /usr/local which is the default prefix).
> > 
> > export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
> > LDFLAGS="-rpath /usr/local/lib" ./configure
> > make all install

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