Re: Is the gtkdrawingarea a server or client side widget?

Erik Jonsson wrote:
If I create a GtkDrawingArea and only use GdkPixMaps to
update it. Will all graphics be handled on the server side?
A GdkPixmap is on the X server (it represents a Pixmap, which
is an XID).

If the DrawingArea uses only a GdkScreen I guess it should
all be server side but if it's using a GdkPixBuf or GdkRBG
internaly it might have to copy data from the client every
update. Right?
Effectivly, gdk_draw_pixbuf() is a server upload, yes.

You are better off to create a GdkPixmap from your GdkPixbuf,
free your GdkPixbuf and use gdk_draw_drawable() for exposes.

By the way... Is there a good reason for the GdkDrawingArea not to have documentation?

Writing such a document is definitly out of scope for an API reference
(i.e., using a GtkDrawingArea is not using its API)

If you are going to write a GtkDrawingArea, you probably know what you
are doing and you know how to derive, implement and write your own widgets.


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