Re: API for iterating the g_hash_table


dhaude physnet uni-hamburg de writes:

> It is rather trivial to construct a GList of hash table keys (or
> values) using g_hash_table_foreach. Of course it's only useful on
> a table whose contents change never or seldom because the list
> has to be updated on each change. Anyway, here's what I use. I
> was too lazy to make Append_key() the right type.
> void append_key(void *k, void *v, GList **keys)
> {
> }
> GList *get_hash_keys(GHashTable *hash)
> {
>         GList *keys = NULL;
>         g_hash_table_foreach(hash, append_key, &keys);
>         return keys;
> }

Let's hope your implementation of append_key() uses g_list_prepend()
or this code will be horribly inefficient for large hash tables.


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