Re: Errors Compiling GtkDatabox Demo Files

Title: Re: Errors Compiling GtkDatabox Demo Files

You are best off asking the author of the GtkDatabox widget.

If the author of the widget wrote it such that it “registers” itself with pkg-config, you might be able to add a pkg-config call or two for it to your gcc line.  Run a ‘pkg-config —list-all’ to find out.

Otherwise, you might have to manually specify the path where the headers are installed and where the library is (see man gcc for how to do this, also run your existing pkg-config commands for gtk+-2.0 to get an idea of what this would look like, since really that is all they are spitting back.

On 12/21/04 11:47 PM, "Miguel F. Zavala L." <mzavala telesurf com py> wrote:

I’m new to GTK+ and a beginner in Linux programming, so please be patient with me.
After installing GtkDatabox- typing the following lines:
make install

everything looks fine. I tested the example programs without any complication. But when trying to compile them, I’m experiencing the following difficulties. I try to compile for example the basics.c file typing:
gcc –Wall –g basics.c –o basics ‘pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0’ ‘pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0’

and the compiler give me the following errors:
/tmp/cc5o02G.o(text+0x175): In function ‘create_basics’:
/home/mzavala/…./basics.c:69: reference to ‘gtk_databox_new’ without definition

and the same as the last message for other functions as: gtk_databox_get_type, gtk_databox_set_background_color, etc.
How can I make gcc recognize GtkDatabox libraries? Should I install GtkDatabox libraries in some specific directory in order to make them work?
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated…
I’m using RH9.
Miguel Zavala
Asuncion, Paraguay

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