Re: GtkItemFactory (1.2) problem...

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Ville Helin wrote:

> hi!
> i just subscribed to this mailing list as spending an hour surffing the
> net did not shed any light into my problem, so i'm not sure if this has
> been discussed here (i did search the mailing list):
> i'm using gtk 1.2.10, and i use GtkItemFactory-structs to create menubars.
> everything is fine until i create the third menu (three separate item
> factories). i have items "zoom" in every menu, and by creating the third
> menu the keybindings in the zoom's items are wrong (in the first and the
> third menu). if i rename the third menu's zoom to e.g., "voom" there is no
> problem.
> what's going on? ;) any ideas? it looks almost like this in all of the
> menus (different zoom values, but the same key shortcuts):
>   { "/_Zoom",       NULL,         NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
>   { "/Zoom/100%",   "<control>1", tiled_zoom_n, 1, "<RadioItem>" },
>   { "/Zoom/300%",   "<control>2", tiled_zoom_n, 3, "/Zoom/100%" },
>   { "/Zoom/600%",   "<control>3", tiled_zoom_n, 6, "/Zoom/100%" },
> alternatively, if someone can point me to a migration guide, i'm willing
> to convert my application to use gtk 2.2. ;)

the migration was quite easy! and my problem just vanished by using gtk
2.2.1. now my program even looks cooler than before. ;)

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