Reading a word from the screen


I am trying to make a simple browser. After receiving
the html page from the server, it is displayed in a
text box. The links are shown in a different color.
Now I need to be able to click these links and read
them. For that I need to be able to read the words off
the screen.

I can find the coordinates of the point where I
clicked the mouse button. I can also find out the
contents of the text box, with the help of index of
the point from where I want to read. But I cannot link
them together. I mean, I cannot link the point where
mouse was clicked to the index of the contents of the
text box.

I can use the font size, height and width and then
calculate number of rows and then find out
coordinates. But the problem arises when the text has
already scrolled to the 2nd or 3rd page. In that case,
no direct correspondence exists between the two.


Is there a method to read a word at a given point of
the screen (in a text box or any other widget)?

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