Newbie: gtk_image_new_from_file help please.

Hello All,

Sorry for what is such a simple question but I have only just started
learning (or not learning :) to program. Currently I am experimenting
with glade.

My sample program I want to do nothing more than have a gnome file
selector, a button and an image display area. The buttons selects a
callback function which should update the image area with the selected

GtkWidget *image1;
image1 = gtk_image_new_from_file(fileentered);

I expected this to automatically update the Image Area. But it does not
seem to do so. There are no error message when compiling or running the

Could someone please tell me how to make the image area update / redraw

I've tried reading the documentation and it may well answer my question,
but if so I don't understand it.

Thank you for your time and any assistance.

douglas a mcintosh NOSPAMlineone net	#
douglasmcintosh<at>dsl<dot>pipex<dot>com #	
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