zoom, rotate, pan....


Very new regarding GTK. Not able to see the GTK site for some reason. I was
wondering. Does the GTK library allow me to build an application where I can
use the mouse to select a point within an image and rotate/pan though the
image? If I'm looking for a way to zoom in/out of an image (i.e. "Zoom
Server") would using the GTK make it easier to construct such an

Finally, does anyone know if an application that permits the user to
pan/rotate and zoom in/out of an image. For the zoom function, I'd like to
be able to have an image that's stored at a high resolution, and then zoom
in/out as required. Ideally, I'd like to be able to feed it parameters and
have it return/display the image at the appropriate resolution for the given
display area.....

Thanks for whatever help/assistance you can provide.


Bruce Douglas
bedouglas earthlink net

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