Re: Draw on the root window?

Well, the wheelbarrow is just a normal, but shaped, window. It's not exactly what I want, I'm trying to draw on the root window. What I'm writing is going to cover the entire root window and should always be in the background. I could use a normal window but not all window managers support keeping a window in the background as far as I know. That's why I'm using this approach. It'd be very nice if I could get it to work.

Carl B. Constantine wrote:

>* [rSu]G-LiTe (g-lite clanrsu com) wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm trying to draw several widgets on the root window.
>>I've been trying to get this to work for a while now. Someone pointed me
>>(and I seem to end up everytime) at this thread:
>>However that seems to be gtk+ 1.x related. I've tried to modify the code
>>to work with gtk+ 2.x, but all it seems to do right now is draw all the
>>widgets in a seperate window (managed seperately by the window manager
>>and they won't even accept input properly)
>Have you checked out the Wheelbarrow example in the examples directory?
>I think it *might* answer some of your questions.

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