Re: Help with focus/activation problems

On Mon, 2003-03-03 at 19:22, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> I posted a message a couple days ago, but no answer so I'm going to post
> again with some additional info that may help.
> I have a window in which are several widgets, such as GtkEntry and
> GtkTextView, and GtkTreeView (list store). When I run my program, it
> seems that while I can click around and type text in the text entries
> and text views, or select items in the TreeView, the widgets never seem
> to become "active", ie: the cursor does not blink in the text entries
> and selecting a row in the TreeView is the inactive color.
> If I right-click in the text view, or select an item from my
> GtkOptionMenu (of which no code exists for that callback, it's just
> empty right now) suddenly the widgets seem to become "active", ie: the
> text cursor blinks in the text entries and text views, selecting a row
> in the GtkTreeView appears in the active highlight color.

You mean you aren't calling:

 gtk_make_focus_work ()

? [In case that isn't obvious, that's a joke]. 

The only thing I can think of that might make focus not work for a
toplevel window is if you create it as type GTK_WINDOW_POPUP, which
takes the window completely out of the normal X system.

Other than that, you've discovered some bug in your window manager
or in GTK+.

You'll need to create the smallest possible standalone test case
that reproduces the problem, and provide that so we can figure out
what you are doing differently than everybody else.


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