About GtkStep

I really like Gtk-theme called GtkStep. It emulates look and feel of
NextStep. But it seems, that it is not yet available for Gtk2. Is
somebody creating Next-like theme-engine for Gtk2?

Original homepage of GtkStep seems disappeared. Sources of that engine
are still available for example from Debian archives.

P.S: I do not subscribe to this list. So, please Cc: to me.

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * University of Jyväskylä * juhtolv st jyu fi
http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~juhtolv/index.html * * "STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW!!"
"Yksin talon pimeydessä istuu valtaistuimellaan lapsi silmin
lasittunein. Itkee sähkön valtamereen."                              CMX

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