blinking cursor/focus problems?

I set up a bunch of widgets in a window. some are GtkTreeView, some are
GtkEntry widgets, one is a menu, one is a button, one is a GtkTextView.
For the GtkEntry and GtkTextView's, I have the cursor/text visible and
editable selected in Glade. All widgets have "can focus" set.

Now, when I run my application, I can click around, but no blinking
cursor in the GtkEntry or GtkTextView (though I can type text) and
selecting rows in the GtkTreeView's select in a "grey" state (I can't
really think of a word, maybe inactive but selected, or no focus, but

Now, if I right click in the GtkTextView or click my menu, suddenly the
cursor can flash, and my row selections appear in the proper highlight
color. Why is this? What am I forgetting to do?

I tried to set one of the widgets to "has focus" in Glade, but that
didn't change anything.

Someone know what I'm doing wrong?

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
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