Re: caps lock and return keys donot work in GTK application

"Naveen Appaji" <nappaji hotmail com> writes:

> <P>Hello,</P>
> <P>The caps lock and Return keys donot work in a GTK application (ex: text boxes) when run on Unix. I use GTK 2.0. However, I donot have the problem when I run the same application on Windows.</P>
> <P>Is there anything I need to do different to make it work in Unix??</P>

 - Operating system?
 - X server details?
 - Exact version of GTK+?

It's possible that upgrading to GTK+-2.2 will fix your problem;
various bug fixes went into GTK+-2.2 regarding handling of
the Caps lock key on legacy X servers.


 Not suprisingly, there is no GTK+ API call:

  gtk_make_the_caps_lock_key_work ()

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